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Welcome to the Issachon home page.

Issachon is a book series written by CMour B. Sooo.... if you came to this site hoping to hear about a movie release or to learn about a new computer game, um, sorry.

But, since you are here, how about a no cost intro to the series?


Science Fiction/Fantasy. The story is galaxy wide and includes spaceships, advanced cultures and technologies. There is also magic and swords and bows and arrows. Of course, there is also an ongoing battle of good against evil, where hopefully, good prevails.

The Issachon Series

Issachon is from an ancient language. Of course, the language had to be ancient, otherwise it wouldn't be filled with mystery and unintended dire consequences. Chon (pronounced like "Khan" in Ghengis Khan or Wrath of Khan) means "thrust" although some suggest "movement" or even, "song." Issa is undisputed and means "evil." Hence, Issachon - Thrust of Evil.

Naturally the origins of the term are lost in the distant past accompanied with legends of terrible deeds and hopeless battles. What else would make it all so tremendously interesting? Anyway, enough distractions. Even though scholars and other similar people with dry voices can't trace the origin of term, Issachon, there is general agreement that it refers to a person or entity who is or becomes the embodiment of all evil. If we didn't focus on a being of enormous levels of evil, the story would probably end up being tedious, no?

As it turns out, the second most important character in the Issachon Series is a young woman who became the Issachon through no desire or action on her part when she was minding her own business back a dozen years ago when she was a young teenager. Her name is Alystra.

The main character is a studious guy named Bendahrin. We pick up the story when Alystra and Bendahrin get together for a meeting.

Obviously we don't want to leave Alystra as the Issachon, but we won't be able to solve her existential problem in a single book without relying on hackneyed plot cliches. Hence, the story will be told over a number of books that will be released as fast as I can write them.

If you want to read the first chapter to see if you are engaged or repelled, click on the link in the top navigation.


Up and coming sci-fi/fantasy M.H.

Buy this- you won't regret it

Great sci-fi/fantasy book! J.K.

Perfect beach read! On the light end of sci-fi with fantasy elements, lots of twists and turns that keep the reader engaged. My favorite element was the worldbuilding blending sci-fi and fantasy in interesting ways. I have read a lot of sci-fi and this was a fresh new take on the genre. Highly recommend!

Awesome! C.F-B

Awesome story. Couldn't put it down. I immediately fell in love with Bendahrin and Alystra and almost lost my mind when they ran into the pirates. Clever word play had me laughing and I thought Chesleth Preller was delightful. Presents an interesting view of good vs evil and is a great story too! I just hope the next two volumes don't take long to come out. I'm dying to know what happens next!

Author's answer: Book 2 is finished. However, since originally the content of Dark Ascensions was only the first half of the content found in it and book 2, I had to make changes to include some kind of "ending" to book 1. That means that I need to make a bunch of changes to align Book 2 with events that didn't originally take place before I broke the content into two books. With re-writing, checks by some beta readers, and then more re-writes AND detailed proofing, then formatting, I am hoping to be done by the first quarter of 2024. Thanks for reading.

Page turner S.F.

Engaging story you won't want to put down! I am not usually a sci-fi fantasy reader, but loved this book. It's characters are compelling, the language is colorful, and it is well written. The author kept me guessing what would happen next. The best part was the characters and their timeless interactions with good and evil. I can't wait to read the next story.

Wonderful Sci-fi Adventure W.

My wife and I just finished reading through this, and it was an absolute pleasure. If you like science and magic in your reading then this is for you. The characters we’re interesting and well developed, and the universe this takes place in is super creative and fun. I can’t wait for more of this series!